I have a csv file (details.csv) like
Writing a csv parser is a tricky business.
I would let someone else do the hard work, and use something like GroovyCsv
Here is how to parse it with GroovyCsv
// I'm using Grab instead of just adding the jar and its
// dependencies to the classpath
@Grab( 'com.xlson.groovycsv:groovycsv:1.0' )
import com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvParser
def csv = '''ID,NAME,ADDRESS
def csva = CsvParser.parseCsv( csv )
csva.each {
println it
Which prints:
ID: 1, NAME: {foo,bar}, ADDRESS: {123,mainst,ny}
ID: 2, NAME: {abc,def}, ADDRESS: {124,mainst,Va}
ID: 3, NAME: {pqr,xyz}, ADDRESS: {125,mainst,IL}
So, to get the NAME field of the second row, you could do:
def csvb = CsvParser.parseCsv( csv )
println csvb[ 1 ].NAME
Which prints
Of course, if the CSV is a File, you can do:
def csvc = new File( 'path/to/csv' ).withReader {
CsvParser.parseCsv( it )
Then use it as above
There are two ways of doing. One is using collect
def processCsvData(Map csvDataMap, File file)
InputStream inputFile = new FileInputStream(file);
String[] lines = inputFile.text.split('\n')
List<String[]> rows = lines.collect {it.split(',')}
// Add processing logic
Here problem is it is removing commas in between braces ({}) i.e "{foo,bar}" becomes "{foo bar}" Another way of using java, and this works just fine
public class CSVParser {
* This Pattern will match on either quoted text or text between commas, including
* whitespace, and accounting for beginning and end of line.
private final Pattern csvPattern = Pattern.compile("\"([^\"]*)\"|(?<=,|^)([^,]*)(?:,|$)");
private ArrayList<String> allMatches = null;
private Matcher matcher = null;
private int size;
public CSVParser() {
allMatches = new ArrayList<String>();
matcher = null;
public String[] parse(String csvLine) {
matcher = csvPattern.matcher(csvLine);
String match;
while (matcher.find()) {
match = matcher.group(1);
if (match!=null) {
else {
size = allMatches.size();
if (size > 0) {
return allMatches.toArray(new String[size]);
else {
return new String[0];
Hope this helps!