I have a ListBox and want the selection-mode to be extended. Also I want have to implement drag and drop functionality. The problem now is, that if the mouse is clicked on a
Here's what I've done. In your DragDrop code, subscribe to the PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown. If the item you are already clicking on is selected, then set e.Handled to true.
In my sample below, I identify a part of the list box item as a drag grip (with bumps) so that I can distinguish between the item and a drag surface. I just had to get the list box item data template and the drag and drop behavior to agree on a name of the drag grip element.
The PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown from my work in progress:
private void ItemsControl_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
dragStartPoint = e.GetPosition(null);
ItemsControl itemsControl = this.AssociatedObject as ItemsControl;
if (itemsControl != null)
this.sourceItemContainer = itemsControl.ContainerFromElement((Visual)e.OriginalSource) as FrameworkElement;
// If this is an multiple or extended selection list box, and on a drag grip, then ensure the item being hit is selected
// This prevents the ItemsControl from using this MouseDown to change selection, except over a selected item's drag grip.
if ((this.IsMultipleSelectionListBox() == true) && (this.IsOriginalSourceDragGrip(e) != false) && (this.IsSourceListBoxItemSelected() == true))
e.Handled = true;
Use PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown
to add the selected items for the drag operation.
The easiest workaround i can think of would be to change the ListBoxItem to select on MouseUp not Down like so and change the ContainerGenerator to serve your custom ListBoxItems:
public class CustomListBoxItem : ListBoxItem
protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown( MouseButtonEventArgs e )
//do nothing
protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonUp( MouseButtonEventArgs e )
base.OnMouseLeftButtonDown( e );
You might need some MouseLeave/LeftButtonDown logic if you want to prevent different items selecting when moving through the List while holding the mouse button down.