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    一向 2020-12-16 05:16

    I have a a and I would like to sort my list alphabetically (I don\'t want caps to matter) according to a class named \"name\". How would I do this?

    • 2020-12-16 05:48

      Mine answer is longer :p but work.

      function SortLIs() {
          var ColumnUL = $("ul.column");
          var Columns  = $(ColumnUL).children("li");
          var ColumnNames    = new Array();
          var Columns_byName = new Array();
          var Columns_Count  = Columns.length;
          for(var i = 0; i <  Columns_Count; i++) {
              var aColumn = Columns[i];
              var aTD     = $(aColumn).find(".name");
              var aTDName = aTD.text();
              Columns_byName[aTDName] = aColumn;
          ColumnNames.sort(function(a, b){
              return (a >  b) - (a <  b);
          for(var i = 0; i <  Columns_Count; i++) {
              var aName = ColumnNames[i];

      EDIT: I saw you said that you are not good at JS. So here is the bigger picture for you.

      (1) Add The following code to the header of the HTML. This will use jQuery library.

      <script src=""></script>

      (2) Add the 'sortLIs' code just right after the above code

      function SortILs() {

      (3.1) If you want the sorting to begin at the load time. Add this right after the above code.


      (3.2) Otherwise, you call the function from an event.

      Hope this helps.

      0 讨论(0)
    • 2020-12-16 05:49

      Here's another approach, stealing ideas from the other answers given so far (also requiring jQuery):

      function sort(elementSelector, valueSelector, ascending) {
        var sign = ascending ? -1 : 1;
        var elements = jQuery(elementSelector);
        elements.each(function() {
          this.sortKey = jQuery(valueSelector, this).text();
        var sorted = elements.get();
        sorted.sort(function(a, b) {
          var keyA = a.sortKey;
          var keyB = b.sortKey;
          return sign * ((keyA < keyB) - (keyA > keyB));
      sort('.column>li', '.name', true)
      0 讨论(0)
    • 2020-12-16 05:57

      Just seconding the jQuery response above, have a look at this tutorial:

      For semantics, you might be better off also placing the classname inside the actual <li> tag.

      The use of a table inside a list aside though, you may want to post an example page to help further.

      0 讨论(0)
    • 2020-12-16 06:01

      Using jQuery, this should do it:

      function sort() {
          $($('ul.column>li').get().reverse()).each(function(outer) {
              var sorting = this;
              $($('ul.column>li').get().reverse()).each(function(inner) {
                  if($('', this).text().localeCompare($('', sorting).text()) > 0) {
                      this.parentNode.insertBefore(sorting.parentNode.removeChild(sorting), this);

      The above is a little dense though, so if you want to understand what's going on, let's break it down line-by-line:

      function sort() {
          //get each <li> which is a child of <ul class="column">
          //for each element in the results, execute a function
          //also, we reversed the order (e.g. start at the bottom and go up
          $($('ul.column>li').get().reverse()).each(function(outer) {
              //this is the current <li> we're running against
              var sorting = this;
              //get the same set of elements again in their current state,
              //so we can figure out where to put this one
              $($('ul.column>li').get().reverse()).each(function(inner) {
                  //get the inner text of the <td class="name">
                  //for the item we're trying to replace,
                  //and for the current item in the inner loop
                  //use localeCompare to compare the two strings alphabetically
                  if($('', this).text().localeCompare($('', sorting).text()) > 0) {
                      //if the one we're trying to sort goes after the current one
                      //alphabetically, remove it from its current position
                      //and insert it after the current one
                      this.parentNode.insertBefore(sorting.parentNode.removeChild(sorting), this);

      We can make it a little more reusable by passing in the selector for the list and the key:

      sort('ul.column>li', '');
      function sort(list, key) {
          $($(list).get().reverse()).each(function(outer) {
              var sorting = this;
              $($(list).get().reverse()).each(function(inner) {
                  if($(key, this).text().localeCompare($(key, sorting).text()) > 0) {
                      this.parentNode.insertBefore(sorting.parentNode.removeChild(sorting), this);

      Do keep in mind this requires jQuery, so you'll need a reference to it in your <head>:

      <script src=""></script>

      And this function should be called at some point in the page after the list is written in the HTML.

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