I\'m trying to query a collection using operands AND\'d together. I\'ve got the shell version working:
db.widgets.find({color: \'black, shape: \'round\', wei
BasicDBObject criteria = new BasicDBObject();
criteria.append("color", "black");
criteria.append("shape", "round");
criteria.append("weight", 100);
DBCursor cur = widgets.find(criteria);
I think the solution above should also work just fine, given the situation I'd suggest the following as an alternative. This is using Criteria
Query query = new Query();
List<Criteria> criteriaList = new ArrayList<>();
Criteria criteriaCreatedBy1 = new Criteria().where("title").is("input");
Criteria criteriaCreatedBy2 = new Criteria().where("name").is("name input");
query.addCriteria(new Criteria().andOperator(criteriaList.toArray(new Criteria[criteriaList.size()])));
List<Screen> getSearchScreens = mongoTemplate.find(query,Screen.class,"collectionName");
Another way to solve same problem is using aggregation:
// To print results
Block<Document> printBlock = new Block<Document>() {
public void apply(final Document document) {
// get db connection and collection
MongoDatabase db= mongoClient.getDatabase("dbname");
MongoCollection<Document> collection= database.getCollection("collectionname");
collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(Aggregates.match(Filters.eq("key1", "value1")),
Aggregates.match(Filters.eq("key2", "value2")),
Aggregates.match(Filters.eq("key3", "value3")))).forEach(printBlock);
For more details please refer the v 3.4 mongo Aggregation documentation.