I have a collection of CLR objects. The class definition for the object has three properties: FirstName, LastName, BirthDate.
I have a string that reflects the name
You will need to use reflection to get the PropertyInfo, and then use that to build an expression tree. Something like this:
var entityType = typeof(TEntity);
var prop = entityType.GetProperty(sortProperty);
var param = Expression.Parameter(entityType, "x");
var access = Expression.Lambda(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(param, prop), param);
var ordered = (IOrderedQueryable<TEntity>) Queryable.OrderBy(
(dynamic) access);
you can do this with Linq
var results = from c in myCollection
orderby c.SortProperty
select c;
You can copy paste the method I post in that answer, and change the signature/method names: How to make the position of a LINQ Query SELECT variable