I\'m implementing PCA using eigenvalue decomposition for sparse data. I know matlab has PCA implemented, but it helps me understand all the technicalities when I write code.
Here's how I would do it:
function [V newX D] = myPCA(X)
X = bsxfun(@minus, X, mean(X,1)); %# zero-center
C = (X'*X)./(size(X,1)-1); %'# cov(X)
[V D] = eig(C);
[D order] = sort(diag(D), 'descend'); %# sort cols high to low
V = V(:,order);
newX = X*V(:,1:end);
and an example to compare against the PRINCOMP function from the Statistics Toolbox:
load fisheriris
[V newX D] = myPCA(meas);
[PC newData Var] = princomp(meas);
You might also be interested in this related post about performing PCA by SVD.