I\'m working with the Weather Underground API to make an app and I\'ve hit a snag while parsing the block relating to severe alerts. The JSON uses key-value pairs that have
Okay, I got it working -- and I wanted to provide an example here because I ended up having to build on the advice @Lefteris gave to get it working.
I ended up having to pass the json array first as an NSArray, and then I converted that into an NSDictionary with the first element of the array. Everything afterwards worked as @Lefteris described.
So, in the end, here's what I've got:
NSArray *alerts = [json objectForKey:@"alerts"];
NSDictionary *alertDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
//Check that no alerts exist to prevent crashing
if([alerts count] < 1) {
NSLog(@"No Alerts Here!");
type = nil;
else //Populate fields
alertDict = [alerts objectAtIndex:0];
for (NSDictionary *alert in alertDict)
NSLog(@"Printing alert!");
type = [alertDict objectForKey:@"type"];
This got me up and running with a single array iterate -- going on I expect I can simply iterate through the array since I know the count and handle any additional alerts. Thanks again for the help!
The brackets means the Json data there are in an array. You can parse it as following
NSArray *alertArray = [json objectForKey:@"alerts"];
now you should loop through all alerts and parse them (in your case it's only 1, but it could be more in another json string):
//parse each alert
for (NSDictionary *alert in alertArray ){
NSString* description = [alert objectForKey:@"description"];