I have solved this problem.
import MySQLdb
import os
import datetime
con = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='password', db='test')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SHOW TABLES")
data = ""
tables = []
for table in cur.fetchall():
for table in tables:
data += "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" + str(table) + "`;"
cur.execute("SHOW CREATE TABLE `" + str(table) + "`;")
data += "\n" + str(cur.fetchone()[1]) + ";\n\n"
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM `" + str(table) + "`;")
for row in cur.fetchall():
data += "INSERT INTO `" + str(table) + "` VALUES("
first = True
for field in row:
if not first:
data += ', '
data += '"' + str(field) + '"'
first = False
data += ");\n"
data += "\n\n"
now = datetime.datetime.now()
filename = str(os.getenv("HOME")) + "/backup_" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M") + ".sql"
FILE = open(filename,"w")
Seem to work well from a little testing.