Well, after a one hour introduction to javascript, I ve come up with the following code. It did what I wanted alright, but then I wanted something else and it wont work.
What worked:
You had two buttons, both visible in the beginning. And on click of one button, you hid a div
, and made another visible.
Now you need a situation when the divs should be hidden in the beginning, and then show when you click a button.
By default, for all elements where a explicit visibility
attribute is not given, visibility
is considered to be visible
To make the button invisible, you need to add visibility:hidden
to the button.
You can do it two ways:
In the code for the div
s, make then "invisible by default" by adding
Add another javascript function that is called on load of the page, and makes both the divs invisible:
function hideBoth() {
Call it on load of your page: <body onload='hideBoth()'>
This line:
Adds this:
style="visibility: hidden;"
to this:
<div id="cont1">
to make it look like this:
<div id="cont1" style="visibility: hidden;">
You can do this yourself, just by adding that attribute to your html tag.
Oh yeah, and this:
<div id="cont1">
is the same as this:
<div id="cont1" style="visibility: visible;">
You can use jquery to also do this! Here is an example which basically takes the input of your CSS and makes it visible or not:
function checkPrerequisites() {
// The 4th line makes objects visible in the for loop.
// Determines if pre-requisites are met and if so - makes div draggable
// for new courses
for (var i = 0; i < courselist.length; i++) {
if (prerequisitesMet(i)) {
$('#' + i.toString()).css("background-color", "lightgreen");
$('#' + i.toString()).css("visibility", "visible");
$('#' + i.toString()).draggable();