I have two csv files, I want to join them using a key value, the column of the city.
One csv file, d01.csv has this form,
Barcelona, 19.5, 29.5
This awk
may do:
awk 'FNR==NR {a[$1]=$2FS$3FS$4;next} $1 in a {print $0,a[$1]}' OFS=", " d02,csv d01csv
Barcelona, 19.5, 29.5, 20140916, 19.9, 28.5
Tarragona, 20.4, 31.5 , 20140916, 21.4, 30.5
Lleida, 16.5, 33.5 , 20140916, 17.5, 32.5
I suggest the CSV Cruncher which takes CSV files as SQL tables and then allows SQL queries, resulting in another CSV file.
crunch input.csv output.csv \
"SELECT AVG(duration) AS durAvg FROM (SELECT * FROM indata ORDER BY duration LIMIT 2 OFFSET 6)"
The tool needs Java 5 or later.
Some of the advantages:
-based solutions.Disclaimer: I wrote that tool. Unknown project state - Google Code was closed and I didn't transfer it soon enough. I might have a look at it if someone is insterested.
Here's how to use join in bash:
echo "City, Tmin, Tmax, Date, Tmin1, Tmax1"
join -t, <(sort d01.csv) <(sed 1d d02.csv | sort)
} > d03.csv
cat d03.csv
City, Tmin, Tmax, Date, Tmin1, Tmax1
Barcelona, 19.5, 29.5, 20140916, 19.9, 28.5
Lleida, 16.5, 33.5 , 20140916, 17.5, 32.5
Tarragona, 20.4, 31.5 , 20140916, 21.4, 30.5
Note that join only outputs records where the key exists in both files. To get all of them, specify that you want missing records from both files, specify the fields you want, and give a default value for the missing fields:
join -t, -a1 -a2 -o 0,1.2,1.3,2.2,2.3,2.4 -e '?' <(sort d01.csv) <(sed 1d d02.csv | sort)
Barcelona, 19.5, 29.5, 20140916, 19.9, 28.5
Girona, 17.2, 32.5,?,?,?
Lleida, 16.5, 33.5 , 20140916, 17.5, 32.5
Tarragona, 20.4, 31.5 , 20140916, 21.4, 30.5
Tortosa,?,?, 20140916, 20.5, 30.4
Vic, 17.5, 31.4,?,?,?