I want to install Spark Standlone mode to a Cluster with my two virtual machines.
With the version of spark-0.9.1-bin-hadoop1, I execute spark-shell successfully in each
I'm not sure if this is the same issue I encountered but you may want to try setting SPARK_MASTER_IP
the same as what spark binds to. In your example is looks like it would be
and not tc-52-223
It should be the same as what you see when you visit the master node web UI on 8080. Something like: Spark Master at spark://ec2-XX-XX-XXX-XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com:7077
I had faced same issue . you can resolve it by below procedure ,
first you should go to /etc/hosts
file and comment
address .
then you should go towards spark/sbin
directory , then you should started spark session by these command ,
or you can use ./start-master.sh
and ./start-slave.sh
for the same . Now if you will run spark-shell or pyspark
or any other spark component then it will automatically create spark context object sc
for you .
I my case, I could overcome the problem as "adding entry of hostname and IP adres of localhost to /etc/hosts file" as follows:
For a cluster, master has the /etc/hosts content as follows: master.yourhost.com localhost localhost4 localhost.localdomain slave1.yourhost.com master.yourhost.com **# this line solved the problem**
Then I also do the SAME THING on slave1.yourhost.com machine.
Hope this helps..
basically your ports are blocked so communication from master to worker is cut down. check here https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/configuration.html#networking
In the "Networking" section, you can see some of the ports are by default random. You can set them to your choice like below:
val conf = new SparkConf()
.set("spark.driver.port", "51810")
.set("spark.fileserver.port", "51811")
.set("spark.broadcast.port", "51812")
.set("spark.replClassServer.port", "51813")
.set("spark.blockManager.port", "51814")
.set("spark.executor.port", "51815")
set the port for spark worker also, Eg.: SPARK_WORKER_PORT=5078
... check thespark-installation link for correct installation
If you are getting a "Connection refused" exception, You can resolve it by checking
=> Master is running on the specific host
netstat -at | grep 7077
You will get something similar to:
tcp 0 0 akhldz.master.io:7077 *:* LISTEN
If that is the case, then from your worker machine do a
host akhldz.master.io ( replace akhldz.master.io with your master host.If something goes wrong, then add a host entry in your /etc/hosts file)
telnet akhldz.master.io 7077
( If this is not connecting, then your worker wont connect either. )
=> Adding Host entry in /etc/hosts
Open /etc/hosts from your worker machine and add the following entry (example) akhldz.master.io
PS :In the above case Pillis was having two ip addresses having same host name eg: s1.machine.org s1.machine.org
Hope that help.