How to store a C++ variable in a register

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佛祖请我去吃肉 2020-12-15 23:26

I would like some clarification regarding a point about the storage of register variables: Is there a way to ensure that if we have declared a register variable in our code,

  • 2020-12-15 23:39

    The register keyword has different meanings in C and C++. In C++ it is in fact redundant and seems even to be deprecated nowadays.

    In C it is different. First don't take the name of the keyword literally, it is has not always to do with a "hardware register" on a modern CPU. The restriction that is imposed on register variables is that you can't take their address, the & operation is not allowed. This allows you to mark a variable for optimization and ensure that the compiler will shout at you if you try to take its address. In particular a register variable that is also const qualified can never alias, so it is a good candidate for optimization.

    Using register as in C systematically forces you to think of every place where you take the address of a variable. This is probably nothing you would want to do in C++, which heavily relies on references to objects and things like that. This might be a reason why C++ didn't copy this property of register variables from C.

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  • 2020-12-15 23:39

    Generally it's impossibly. Specifically one can take certain measures to increase the probability:

    Use proper optimization level eg. -O2

    Keep the number of the variables small

    register int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i, ... z;  // can also produce an error
    // results in _spilling_ a register to stack
    // as the CPU runs out of physical registers

    Do not take an address of the register variable.

    register int a;
    int *b = &a;  /* this would be an error in most compilers, but
                     especially in the embedded world the compilers
                     release the restrictions */

    In some compilers, you can suggest

    register int a asm ("eax");  // to put a variable to a specific register
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  • 2020-12-15 23:39

    The only way to ensure that you are using a register, is to use inline assembly. But, even if you do this, you are not guaranteed that the compiler won't store your value outside of the inline assembly block. And, of course, your OS may decide to interrupt your program at any point, storing all your registers to memory, in order to give the CPU to another process.

    So, unless you write assembler code within the kernel with all interrupts disabled, there is absolutely no way to ensure that your variable will never hit memory.

    Of course, that is only relevant if you are concerned about safety. From a performance perspective, compiling with -O3 is usually enough, the compiler usually does quite a good job at determining which variables to hold in registers. Anyway, storing variables in registers is only one small aspect of performance tuning, the much more important aspect is to ensure that no superfluous or expensive work gets done in the inner loop.

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  • 2020-12-15 23:40

    It's just a hint to the compiler; you can't force it to place the variable in a register. In any event, the compiler writer probably has much better knowledge of the target architecture than the application programmer, and is therefore better placed to write code that makes register allocation decisions. In other words, you are unlikely to achieve anything by using register.

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  • 2020-12-15 23:41

    Generally CPP compilers(g++) do quite a few optimizations to the code. So when you declare a register variable, it is not necessary that the compiler will store that value directly in the register. (i.e) the code 'register int x' may not result in compiler storing that int directly in the register. But if we can force the compiler to do so, we may be successful.

    For example, if we use the following piece of code, then we may force the compiler to do what we desire. Compilation of the following piece of code may error out, which indicates that the int is actually getting stored directly in the register.

    int main() {
        volatile register int x asm ("eax"); 
        int y = *(&x);
        return 0;

    For me, g++ compiler is throwing the following error in this case.

    [nsidde@nsidde-lnx cpp]$ g++ register_vars.cpp 
    register_vars.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
    register_vars.cpp:3: error: address of explicit register variable ‘x’ requested

    The line 'volatile register int x asm ("eax")' is instructing the compiler that, store the integer x in 'eax' register and in doing so do not do any optimizations. This will make sure that the value is stored in the register directly. That is why accessing the address of the variable is throwing an error.

    Alternatively, the C compiler (gcc), may error out with the following code itself.

    int main() {
        register int a=10;
        int c = *(&a);
        return 0;

    For me, the gcc compiler is throwing the following error in this case.

    [nsidde@nsidde-lnx cpp]$ gcc register.c 
    register.c: In function ‘main’:
    register.c:5: error: address of register variable ‘a’ requested
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  • 2020-12-15 23:48

    Here you can use volatile register int i = 10 in C++ to ensure i to be stored in register. volatile keyword will not allow the compiler to optimize the variable i.

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