I currently have my game correctly handling disabling its own BGM when music is playing in the built-in iPod app, but it does not detect when an app such as Pandora is playi
Check out this question
Seems you can see if another audio is playing by checking the property kAudioSessionProperty_OtherAudioIsPlaying like this:
UInt32 propertySize, audioIsAlreadyPlaying=0;
propertySize = sizeof(UInt32);
AudioSessionGetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_OtherAudioIsPlaying, &propertySize, &audioIsAlreadyPlaying);
A complement to this could be to ask the user if he/she wants to have the game music or the already playing sound/music.
(as mentioned in jake_hetfield's answer) is deprecated as of iOS 7.
Instead, try this one-liner that uses isOtherAudioPlaying:
BOOL isOtherAudioPlaying = [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] isOtherAudioPlaying];
Works on iOS 6+.
You may want to do something like this.....
Create A class to handle your audio settings say... "AudioManager"
Poll the Boolean "isOtherAudioPlaying"... maybe assign it to your own Boolean value.
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
class AudioManager {
static let successBingSoundID: SystemSoundID = <Your System Sound ID in Int>
static func playSystemSoundIfBackgroundSoundIsOff() {
guard !AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().isOtherAudioPlaying else {return}
AudioServicesPlaySystemSoundWithCompletion(successBingSoundID, nil)
As of iOS 8, the secondaryAudioShouldBeSilencedHint property should be used:
/* Will be true when another application with a non-mixable audio session is playing audio. Applications may use
this property as a hint to silence audio that is secondary to the functionality of the application. For example, a game app
using AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient may use this property to decide to mute its soundtrack while leaving its sound effects unmuted.
Note: This property is closely related to AVAudioSessionSilenceSecondaryAudioHintNotification.
@property(readonly) BOOL secondaryAudioShouldBeSilencedHint NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0);