I Have a Listings controller
and users can add a description. If the description is long, which it should be, I receive this error in Heroku:
Do not edit your previous migrations. Never do that, as a rule. Instead you'll create a new migration that will make the change (and allow you to rollback if necessary.)
First, generate the migration:
rails g migration change_datatype_on_TABLE_from_string_to_text
Then edit the generated file so that looks something like (change the table and column names as necessary):
class ChangeDatatypeOnTableFromStringToText < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
change_column :table_name, :column_name, :text, :limit => nil
def down
change_column :table_name, :column_name, :string
Now run the migration:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
That should do it. (Note I defined the up and down methods individually instead of using the change method because using the change method only works with reversible migrations, and trying to rollback a datatype change would throw a ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration exception.)
The input given is too long for a string
field, so just change to a text
class ChangeListingsDescriptionTypeToText < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
change_column :listings, :description, :text
Then run rake db:migrate
It would seem that specifying the column as a :text type and not a :string would fix this problem.