You should change the salt so that it is specific to each user, not a system wide constant. This will make rainbow table attacks against your password hashes much more inconvenient.
There is a good write up on the evolution of salting in this article by Troy Hunt.
something unique to each password record, which adds much entropy to it. This is usually a random sequence of bytes, stored with the user account.
Hashing is traditionally done on the concatenation of salt
+ password
$passwordHash = hash($salt.$password);
As others have said, don't use MD5 for hashing. It is broken.
Applying additional proprietary algorithms to password or salt prior to hashing is not recommended. Instead, look at an industry strength solution such as PBKDF2, which, in addition to salting, also requires many (typically > 10k) repeated iterations which will further slow down an attacker.
If you adopt OWASP guidelines, the number of hashes performed should be increased regularly (to counteract Moore's Law). The number of hashes should also be persisted per user, meaning you will need to store the triple of hashed password, salt, and number of iterations.