What does an asterisk * before an address mean in x86-64 AT&T assembly?

前端 未结 7 1372
故里飘歌 2020-12-15 17:11

What does the following line mean:

401147: ff 24 c5 80 26 40 00    jmpq   *0x402680(,%rax,8)

What does the asterisk in front of the

  • 2020-12-15 17:34

    Minimal example

    To make things clearer:

        # Store he address of the label in the data section.
        symbol: .int label   
        # Jumps to label.
        jmp *symbol

    GitHub upstream.

    Without the *, it would jump to the address of symbol in the .data section and segfault.

    I feel this syntax is a bit inconsistent, because for most instructions:

    mov symbol, %eax
    mov label, %eax

    already moves the data at the address symbol, and $symbol is used for the address. Intel syntax is more consistent in this point as it always uses [] for dereference.

    The * is of course a mnemonic for the C dereference operator *ptr.

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