I have an Enum
and a function to create it from a String
because i couldn\'t find a built in way to do it
I think my approach is slightly different, but might be more convenient in some cases. Finally, we have parse and tryParse for enum types:
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Enum {
static T parse<T>(String value) {
final T result = (reflectType(T) as ClassMirror).getField(#values)
.reflectee.firstWhere((v)=>v.toString().split('.').last.toLowerCase() == value.toLowerCase()) as T;
return result;
static T tryParse<T>(String value, { T defaultValue }) {
T result = defaultValue;
try {
result = parse<T>(value);
} catch(e){
return result;
EDIT: this approach is NOT working in the Flutter applications, by default mirrors are blocked in the Flutter because it causes the generated packages to be very large.
Using mirrors you could force some behaviour. I had two ideas in mind. Unfortunately Dart does not support typed functions:
import 'dart:mirrors';
class EnumFromString<T> {
T get(String value) {
return (reflectType(T) as ClassMirror).getField(#values).reflectee.firstWhere((e)=>e.toString().split('.')[1].toUpperCase()==value.toUpperCase());
dynamic enumFromString(String value, t) {
return (reflectType(t) as ClassMirror).getField(#values).reflectee.firstWhere((e)=>e.toString().split('.')[1].toUpperCase()==value.toUpperCase());
void main() {
var converter = new EnumFromString<Visibility>();
Visibility x = converter.get('COLLAPSED');
Visibility y = enumFromString('HIDDEN', Visibility);
I improved Collin Jackson's answer using Dart 2.7 Extension Methods to make it more elegant.
enum Fruit { apple, banana }
extension EnumParser on String {
Fruit toFruit() {
return Fruit.values.firstWhere(
(e) => e.toString().toLowerCase() == 'fruit.$this'.toLowerCase(),
orElse: () => null); //return null if not found
main() {
Fruit apple = 'apple'.toFruit();
assert(apple == Fruit.apple); //true
Here is an alternative way to @mbartn's approach using extensions, extending the enum
itself instead of String
Faster, but more tedious
// We're adding a 'from' entry just to avoid having to use Fruit.apple['banana'],
// which looks confusing.
enum Fruit { from, apple, banana }
extension FruitIndex on Fruit {
// Overload the [] getter to get the name of the fruit.
operator[](String key) => (name){
switch(name) {
case 'banana': return Fruit.banana;
case 'apple': return Fruit.apple;
default: throw RangeError("enum Fruit contains no value '$name'");
void main() {
Fruit f = Fruit.from["banana"];
print("$f is ${f.runtimeType}"); // Outputs: Fruit.banana is Fruit
Less tedius, but slower
If O(n) performance is acceptable you could also incorporate @Collin Jackson's answer:
// We're adding a 'from' entry just to avoid having to use Fruit.apple['banana']
// which looks confusing.
enum Fruit { from, apple, banana }
extension FruitIndex on Fruit {
// Overload the [] getter to get the name of the fruit.
operator[](String key) =>
Fruit.values.firstWhere((e) => e.toString() == 'Fruit.' + key);
void main() {
Fruit f = Fruit.from["banana"];
print("$f is ${f.runtimeType}"); // Outputs: Fruit.banana is Fruit
I had the same problem in one of my projects and existing solutions were not very clean and it didn't support advanced features like json serialization/deserialization.
Flutter natively doesn't currently support enum with values, however, I managed to develop a helper package Vnum
using class and reflectors implementation to overcome this issue.
Address to the repository:
To answer your problem using Vnum
, you could implement your code as below:
class Visibility extends Vnum<String> {
static const VISIBLE = const Visibility.define("VISIBLE");
static const COLLAPSED = const Visibility.define("COLLAPSED");
static const HIDDEN = const Visibility.define("HIDDEN");
const Visibility.define(String fromValue) : super.define(fromValue);
factory Visibility(String value) => Vnum.fromValue(value,Visibility);
You can use it like :
var visibility = Visibility('COLLAPSED');
There's more documentation in the github repo, hope it helps you out.
enum HttpMethod { Connect, Delete, Get, Head, Options, Patch, Post, Put, Trace }
HttpMethod httpMethodFromString({@required String httpMethodName}) {
assert(httpMethodName != null);
if (httpMethodName is! String || httpMethodName.isEmpty) {
return null;
return HttpMethod.values.firstWhere(
(e) => e.toString() == httpMethodName,
orElse: () => null,