Suppose file1 looks like this:
bye bye hello thank you
And file2 looks like this:
chao hola gracias
The desired output is this:
If I were a golfing man, I could rewrite @FM's answer as:
($,,$\)=(' ',"\n");@_=@ARGV;open $_,$_ for @_;print
map{chomp($a=<$_>);$a} @_=grep{!eof $_} @_ while @_
which you might be able to turn into a one-liner but that is just evil. ;-)
Well, here it is, under 100 characters:
C:\Temp> perl -le "$,=' ';@_=@ARGV;open $_,$_ for @_;print map{chomp($a =<$_>);$a} @_=grep{!eof $_ }@_ while @_" file1 file2
If it is OK to slurp (and why the heck not — we are looking for different ways), I think I have discovered the path the insanity:
@_=@ARGV;chomp($x[$.-1]{$ARGV}=$_) && eof
and $.=0 while<>;print "@$_{@_}\n" for @x
C:\Temp> perl -e "@_=@ARGV;chomp($x[$.-1]{$ARGV}=$_) && eof and $.=0 while<>;print qq{@$_{@_}\n} for @x" file1 file2
bye bye chao hello hola thank you gracias
An easier alternative to your Code 5 which allows for an arbitrary number of lines and does not care if files have different numbers of lines (hat tip @FM):
use strict; use warnings;
use File::Slurp;
use List::AllUtils qw( each_arrayref );
my @lines = map [ read_file $_ ], @ARGV;
my $it = each_arrayref @lines;
while ( my @lines = grep { defined and chomp and length } $it->() ) {
print join(' ', @lines), "\n";
And, without using any external modules:
use autodie; use warnings; use strict;
my ($file1, $file2) = @ARGV;
open my $file1_h,'<', $file1;
my @file1 = grep { chomp; length } <$file1_h>;
open my $file2_h,'<', $file2;
my @file2 = grep { chomp; length } <$file2_h>;
my $n_lines = @file1 > @file2 ? @file1 : @file2;
for my $i (0 .. $n_lines - 1) {
my ($line1, $line2) = map {
defined $_ ? $_ : ''
} $file1[$i], $file2[$i];
print $line1, ' ', $line2, "\n";
If you want to concatenate only the lines that appear in both files:
use autodie; use warnings; use strict;
my ($file1, $file2) = @ARGV;
open my $file1_h,'<', $file1;
my @file1 = grep { chomp; length } <$file1_h>;
open my $file2_h,'<', $file2;
my @file2 = grep { chomp; length } <$file2_h>;
my $n_lines = @file1 < @file2 ? @file1 : @file2;
for my $i (0 .. $n_lines - 1) {
print $file1[$i], ' ', $file2[$i], "\n";
An easy one with minimal error checking:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
open FILE1, '<file1.txt';
open FILE2, '<file2.txt';
while (defined(my $one = <FILE1>) or defined(my $twotemp = <FILE2>)){
my $two = $twotemp ? $twotemp : <FILE2>;
chomp $one if ($one);
chomp $two if ($two);
print ''.($one ? "$one " : '').($two ? $two : '')."\n";
And no, you can't run two loops simultaneous within the same thread, you'd have to fork
, but that would not be guaranteed to run synchronously.
This works for any number of files:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
my @handles = map { open my $h, '<', $_; $h } @ARGV;
while (@handles){
@handles = grep { ! eof $_ } @handles;
my @lines = map { my $v = <$_>; chomp $v; $v } @handles;
print join(' ', @lines), "\n";
close $_ for @handles;
The most elegant way doesn't involve perl
at all:
paste -d' ' file1 file2