I\'m making a widget similar to the uservoice widgets, except I want the content of the page to be in an iFrame rather than the widget appear via javascript. How can I have
You probably need to add margin:auto; to your iFrame or the floating div. This will make it fill the screen 100%.
.width {
To fix it to the left of the browser you can use:
margin:auto auto auto 0;
Good luck!
You could wrap your iframe in a div with a low Z-index and then lay a div over it with a higher z-index.
If you're not loading cross domain then you could just load in using jquery ajax call http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/load
$(document).ready(function () {
and replace your iframe with
<div id="content"></div>
This worked for me:
The div with the overlay:
<div style="z-index:99;position:absolute;top:0;right:0">
...overlay html...
The iframe:
iframe {
position: absolute;
border: none;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
<iframe src="http://..."> </iframe>
That's "clickjacking", isn't it?
Nothing is likely to work long term, as browsers (rightly) see this as a security threat to be prevented.
with this code I get a double scrollbar on the right on the right. One for the website and one for the i-frame.
iframe {
position: absolute;
border: none;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
<iframe src="http://..."> </iframe>