Is there a way to create a condition like this?
@products = Product.find(:all,
:limit => 5,
:conditions => { :products => { :locale => \'en\'
It should be something like this. The original query wasn't really clear, adapt it to your needs.
@products = Product.find(:all,
:limit => 5,
:conditions => ["locale = ? AND id <> ? AND IN (?)", "en", 1, ['a','b'],
:joins => "tags"
Rails 3.2.9
@products = Product.english_but_not(1).with_tags('a','b').limit(5)
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :locale
has_many :tags
scope :english, -> { where(:locale => 'en') }
scope :except_id, ->(id) { where(arel_table[:id].not_eq(id)) }
scope :english_but_not, ->(id) { english.except_id(id) }
scope :with_tags, ->(*names) { includes(:tags).where(:tags => {:name => names}) }
Rails 3
Use squeel gem.
:products => { :locale => 'en', :id.not_in => '1' },
:tags => { :name => ['a','b']}
Rails 2
Use AR Extensions for this. It supports the following condition modifiers:
* _lt => less than
* _gt => greater than
* _lte => less than or equal to
* _gte => greater than or equal to
* _ne => not equal to
* _not => not equal to
Now you can rewrite your query as follows:
@products = Product.find(:all,
:limit => 5,
:joins => [:tags],
:conditions => { :locale => 'en', :id_not => '1', :tags => { :name => ['a','b']}
Another way is to use the merge_conditions which turns the hash conditions into a string. Then you can add on whatever you want or call merge_conditions again with other options.
hash_conditions = {:category => 'computers'}
conditions = Product.merge_conditions(hash_conditions) + ' AND NOT IN(1139) '
products = Product.find(:all, :conditions => conditions)