I\'m struggling to convert a JSON API response into a pandas Dataframe object. I\'ve read answers to similar questions/documentation but nothing has helped. My closest attem
I think you need json_normalize:
from pandas import json_normalize
df = json_normalize(d, 'abc')
print (df)
amount price tid timestamp type
0 2321.379525 0.000062 8577050 1498649162 bid
1 498.789936 0.000062 8577047 1498649151 bid
For multiple keys is possible use concat with list comprehension
and DataFrame
d = {'abc': [{'type': 'bid', 'price': 6.194e-05, 'amount': 2321.37952545, 'tid': 8577050, 'timestamp': 1498649162}, {'type': 'bid', 'price': 6.194e-05, 'amount': 498.78993587, 'tid': 8577047, 'timestamp': 1498649151}],
'def': [{'type': 'bid', 'price': 6.194e-05, 'amount': 2321.37952545, 'tid': 8577050, 'timestamp': 1498649162}, {'type': 'bid', 'price': 6.194e-05, 'amount': 498.78993587, 'tid': 8577047, 'timestamp': 1498649151}]}
df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(v) for k,v in d.items()], keys=d)
print (df)
amount price tid timestamp type
abc 0 2321.379525 0.000062 8577050 1498649162 bid
1 498.789936 0.000062 8577047 1498649151 bid
def 0 2321.379525 0.000062 8577050 1498649162 bid
1 498.789936 0.000062 8577047 1498649151 bid