Rails 4.1.0.beta1 and Devise.
I\'m trying to remove all of my keys from version control and I\'ve upgraded to Rails 4.1 to give this new secrets.yml a shot
You've likely got secrets.yml added to your .gitignore. Which makes sense, since you put secret keys in it -- but since Heroku deployment uses git, it never sees your secrets.yml.
One solution is to use the heroku_secrets gem - See https://stackoverflow.com/a/22458102/2831572 .
Another solution is to add secrets.yml to git (i.e. remove it from .gitignore) after replacing all sensitive keys with references to environment variables.
devise_secret_key: <%= ENV['DEVISE_KEY'] %>
then run heroku config:set DEVISE_KEY='7658699e0f765e8whatever'