Does anyone know how can I reset the username and password for CouchDB ?
for Unix:
/opt/couchbase/bin/erl \
-noinput -eval \
'case file:read_file("/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat") of {ok, B} -> io:format("~p~n", [binary_to_term(B)]) end.' \
-run init stop | grep cred
What I've done it's quite simple. I found out my old username and password here:
After that I went to opt/couchbase/bin/
and run
./couchbase-cli cluster-init -c localhost:8091 -u old_user -p old_password --cluster-init-username=new_user --cluster-init-password=new_password
Done! Also you can check this:
This worked for me: while couchdb is stopped,
This will reset the user database to factory defaults (admin party!) and wipe all of couchdb's user accounts. There might be a more subtle way
You just need to add the username and password in CouchDB local.ini file. You can add as many administrators as you want.
sudo nano /etc/couchdb/local.ini
and in the end of file, add username and password.
And don't forget to restart the CouchDB server. sudo service couchdb restart
On Mac OS X, cbreset_password
is not in PATH by default, so I've done just:
...and re-set the password once confirming yes
One more point to add ...
If you are running Couch DB on Windows, then probably it was installed as a service and to reset it you need to stop service first, within running service other answers do not work.
Open Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services and stop Apache Couch DB