I am getting error after opening the h2 database console. I enter database name but it is showing database not found error:
Database \"C:/Users/Barlek
I have faced this issue and resolved in the following way
To use H2 Database - Your application should be running in JDK Environment, not JRE Environment , to change please use below steps :
, it should actually match with the spring boot application properties
so replace the url in the login console and click on connect I have used [Ivan Xue][2] provided steps here -> https://stackoverflow.com/a/56539107Just append this to the application.properties file:
I found that you can add a parameter to the "-ifNotExists" start options when booting up h2 db. Programmatically, you can do it this way:
Server.createTcpServer("-tcpPort", "[PORT]", "-tcpAllowOthers", "-ifNotExists").start();
If you are using the command prompt, the same applies
Use a pre-2019 version of the H2
database dependency that auto-creates the database every time you run your standalone application. For example version 1.4.193
. Your pom.xml
should include this dependency:
Check The jdbc Url used in h2 console to see if it match what you have specified
Along with h2 dependency in POM :
I added jpa, crud repository dependency in POM Like given below and It worked fine for me: