Imagine we want to describe a combinational circuit that satisfy the following truth table:
a b | s0 s1 s2 s3
0 0 | 1 d d d
0 1 | 0 1
When I use Quartus II ver 15.0, assiging "don't care" to output is OK and generated area-efficient circuit.
For example, if I synthesize this code, that :
module test1 (
input wire a,
input wire b,
output reg [3:0] s
always @* begin
case ({a,b})
2'b00 : s = 4'b1000;
2'b01 : s = 4'b0100;
2'b10 : s = 4'b0010;
2'b11 : s = 4'b0001;
default: s = 4'b0000;
Quartus generated a circuit which uses 5 Logic Elements.
However, If I use "don't care" assignment in the code above:
module test1 (
input wire a,
input wire b,
output reg [3:0] s
always @* begin
case ({a,b})
2'b00 : s = 4'b1xxx;
2'b01 : s = 4'b01xx;
2'b10 : s = 4'b001x;
2'b11 : s = 4'b0001;
default: s = 4'b0000;
a circuit which uses only 2 Logic Elements is generated. It's interesting that although the total logic elements are less used, the generated circuit seems to be more complex.
I was wondering whether the generated circuit is correct. So I ran Quartus's simulator with the circuit which uses "don't care". The result is the simplest circuit we want.
I would think that supplying x
to an output would do the trick -- "unknown" should do exactly what you want. I believe you can wire it directly as an output, but if that's forbidden, you could generate it by wiring both 1 and 0 to the output.