How can I view how many blocks has a file been broken into, in a Hadoop file system?
We can use hadoop file system check command to know the blocks for the specific file.
Below is the command:
hadoop fsck [path] [options]
To view the blocks for the specific file :
hadoop fsck /path/to/file -files -blocks
hadoop fsck filetopath
used the above commad in CDH 5. Got the below Error.
hadoop-hdfs/bin/hdfs: line 262: exec: : not found
Use the below command and it worked good
hdfs fsck filetopath
It is always a good idea to use hdfs instead of hadoop as 'hadoop' version is deprecated.
Here is the command with hdfs and to find the details on a file named 'test.txt' in the root, you would write
hdfs fsck /test.txt -files -blocks -locations
This should work..
hadoop fs -stat "%o" /path/to/file