I know this is probably not possible, but is there a clean way to use a PHP class constant within a YAML config/services/etc. file for Symfony2?
For example, if I ha
As of Symfony 3.2, it's also possible to use PHP constants in YAML files using a special !php/const:
bar: !php/const:PHP_INT_MAX
See the Symfony blog post for more details.
Please note: In Symfony 4 the syntax was slightly changed. You have to use a space instead of a double colon, for example:
bar: !php/const PHP_INT_MAX
Otherwise, you will get a FileLoaderLoadException with the message "Notice: Uninitialized string offset".
It should be possible to insert argument as plain 'text' in config and inside class __construct($constant1)
then request constant through variable by constant($constant1)
But I am not sure about global constants here, because they may not be defined at time of using, but it shouldn't be a problem for class constants with whole namespace, because namespace locator is already defined at moment of calling the class.
Example config:
class: Some\Class
- 'My\Bundle\DependencyInjection\MyClass::MY_CONST'
and example class method:
public function __construct($arg1)
$myRequiredConstantValue = constant($arg1);
In versions before Symfony 3.2, injecting PHP-constants only works with XML:
<parameter key="my_service.my_const" type="constant">My\Bundle\DependencyInjection\MyClass::MY_CONST</parameter>
If you want to keep yor yml files, you could just import the xml-file into your services.yml. Mixing config styles might be a bit ugly, but as far as I know this is the only way to do it.
If this doesn't work for you, my comment to your question applies.
This should work
- <?php echo My\Bundle\DependencyInjection\MyClass::MY_CONST."\n" ?>
For Symfony >=2.4 you can use expression language
This is possible, but only when using eval'd code, which is generally frowned upon.
Given a class constant Permission::ACCESS_NONE e.g. you could do something like this in the yaml file:
permission: ACCESS_NONE
and the following in the code where you parse the yaml:
eval("return \The\Complete\Namespace\To\Permission::".$context['permission'].";");
This is of course butt-ugly code but it does work.