I\'m developing a Rails app on a Mac, and I\'m new to testing, so I just added these gems to my Gemfile:
group :test, :development do
@zed_0xff: found a similar approach in an older rspec-core commit:
if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/
gem 'foo'
According to the Bundler docs, you need to use the platforms
platforms :mswin do
gem "x"
gem "weakling", :platforms => :jruby
gem "ruby-debug", :platforms => :mri_18
gem "nokogiri", :platforms => [:mri_18, :jruby]
There are a number of Gemfile platforms:
ruby C Ruby (MRI) or Rubinius, but NOT Windows
ruby_18 ruby AND version 1.8
ruby_19 ruby AND version 1.9
ruby_20 ruby AND version 2.0
mri Same as ruby, but not Rubinius
mri_18 mri AND version 1.8
mri_19 mri AND version 1.9
mri_20 mri AND version 2.0 rbx Same as ruby, but only Rubinius (not MRI
jruby JRuby
mswin Windows
mingw Windows 'mingw32' platform (aka RubyInstaller)
mingw_18 mingw AND version 1.8
mingw_19 mingw AND version 1.9 mingw_20 mingw AND version 2.0
Gemfile actually is a regular ruby file, so you can use something like
when /darwin/
gem 'foo'
when /win32/
gem 'bar'
You can use :install_if
method which accepts arbitrary lambda.
Following example comes directly from Gemfile's man pages:
install_if -> { RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ } do
gem "pasteboard"
It is much better than control flow constructs (e.g. if
) as it maintains dependencies correctly and keeps Gemfile.lock uniform on all machines.
The Bundler wiki has a method that adds all gems to Gemfile.lock regardless of platform. It sets require => false
depending on the system so you don't need to be able to actually run the gems:
gem 'rb-inotify', :require => RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('linux') && 'rb-inotify'
And they provide helper methods to make this clean:
def os_is(re)
RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ re
gem 'rb-fsevent', "~> 0.9.3", platforms: :ruby, install_if: os_is(/darwin/)
gem 'rb-inotify', "~> 0.8.8", platforms: :ruby, install_if: os_is(/linux/)
gem 'wdm', "~> 0.1.0", platforms: [:mswin, :mingw. :x64_mingw], install_if: os_is(/mingw|mswin/i)
On my Windows 7 x64 system running Ubuntu 12.04 in a Vagrant VM, this worked fine, but the :platforms
setting was required - the Linux bundler choked on the 'win32console' gem:
Console.c:1:21: fatal error: windows.h: No such file or directory