I have a project using Storyboards and whenever I push a view controller with a segue, the dynamically created bar button item is always blue.
In iOS 8 if you changed UIView tint color for some purpose, for example for branding UIAlertView, tint color for UIBarButtonItem in UIToolBar also changed that way. To fix this, just write this code
[UIView appearance].tintColor = SOME_COLOR;
[UIView appearanceWhenContainedIn:[UIToolbar class], nil].tintColor = BLACK_COLOR;
For UIBarButtonItem tint color in UINavigationBar use standard method
[UINavigationBar appearance].tintColor = BLACK_COLOR;
To change the color of a specific item (e.g. a button) in your nav bar: In Objective-C
myButton.tintColor = [UIColor redColor];