I have a flattened dictionary which I want to make into a nested one, of the form
flat = {\'X_a_one\': 10,
\'X_a_two\': 20,
\'X_b_one\': 10,
Another non-recursive solution with no imports. Splitting the logic between inserting each key-value pair of the flat dict and mapping over key-value pairs of the flat dict.
def insert(dct, lst):
dct: a dict to be modified inplace.
lst: list of elements representing a hierarchy of keys
followed by a value.
dct = {}
lst = [1, 2, 3]
resulting value of dct: {1: {2: 3}}
for x in lst[:-2]:
dct[x] = dct = dct.get(x, dict())
dct.update({lst[-2]: lst[-1]})
def unflat(dct):
# empty dict to store the result
result = dict()
# create an iterator of lists representing hierarchical indices followed by the value
lsts = ([*k.split("_"), v] for k, v in dct.items())
# insert each list into the result
for lst in lsts:
insert(result, lst)
return result
result = unflat(flat)
# {'X': {'a': {'one': 10, 'two': 20}, 'b': {'one': 10, 'two': 20}},
# 'Y': {'a': {'one': 10, 'two': 20}, 'b': {'one': 10, 'two': 20}}}