What\'s the smartest way to have Nokogiri select all content between the start and the stop element (including start-/stop-element)?
Check example code below to unde
# monkeypatches for Nokogiri::NodeSet
# note: versions of these functions will be in Nokogiri 1.3
class Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet
unless method_defined?(:index)
def index(node)
each_with_index { |member, j| return j if member == node }
unless method_defined?(:slice)
def slice(start, length)
new_set = Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet.new(self.document)
length.times { |offset| new_set << self[start + offset] }
# solution #1: picking elements out of node children
# NOTE that this will also include whitespacy text nodes between the <p> elements.
possible_matches = parent.children
start_index = possible_matches.index(@start_element)
stop_index = possible_matches.index(@end_element)
answer_1 = possible_matches.slice(start_index, stop_index - start_index + 1)
# solution #2: picking elements out of a NodeSet
# this will only include elements, not text nodes.
possible_matches = value.xpath("//body/*")
start_index = possible_matches.index(@start_element)
stop_index = possible_matches.index(@end_element)
answer_2 = possible_matches.slice(start_index, stop_index - start_index + 1)
For the sake of completeness a XPath only solution :)
It builds an intersection of two sets, the following siblings of the start element and the preceding siblings of the end element.
Basically you can build an intersection with:
$a[count(.|$b) = count($b)]
A little divided on variables for readability:
@start_element = "//p[@id='para-3']"
@end_element = "//p[@id='para-7']"
@set_a = "#@start_element/following-sibling::*"
@set_b = "#@end_element/preceding-sibling::*"
@my_content = value.xpath("#@set_a[ count(.|#@set_b) = count(#@set_b) ]
| #@start_element | #@end_element")
Siblings don't include the element itself, so the start and end elements must be included in the expression separately.
Edit: Easier solution:
@start_element = "p[@id='para-3']"
@end_element = "p[@id='para-7']"
@my_content = value.xpath("//*[preceding-sibling::#@start_element and
| //#@start_element | //#@end_element")
A way-too-smart oneliner which uses recursion:
def collect_between(first, last)
first == last ? [first] : [first, *collect_between(first.next, last)]
An iterative solution:
def collect_between(first, last)
result = [first]
until first == last
first = first.next
result << first
EDIT: (Short) explanation of the asterix
It's called the splat operator. It "unrolls" an array:
array = [3, 2, 1]
[4, array] # => [4, [3, 2, 1]]
[4, *array] # => [4, 3, 2, 1]
some_method(array) # => some_method([3, 2, 1])
some_method(*array) # => some_method(3, 2, 1)
def other_method(*array); array; end
other_method(1, 2, 3) # => [1, 2, 3]