perhaps I\'m missing something, but I need a client side database pre-populated with a load of data.
To test whether client side databases were up to the task, I cr
On the commandline (in a linux box), use
sqlite3 myDatabase.sqlite .dump > myDatabase.sql
Now you have the sqlite file dumped to a plain sql file. It will contain the create table statements and the insert statements.
Then, some clientside code (will probably need some adjusting, but you'll get the idea)
First, grab the sql dump. (example using jQuery)
$.get('./dumps/myDatabase.sql', function(response) {
// console.log("got db dump!", response);
var db = openDatabase('myDatabase', '1.0', 'myDatabase', 10000000);
processQuery(db, 2, response.split(';\n'), 'myDatabase');
The processQuery function process all the statements one by one, and silently ignores errors.
function processQuery(db, i, queries, dbname) {
if(i < queries.length -1) {
console.log(i +' of '+queries.length);
if(!queries[i+1].match(/(INSERT|CREATE|DROP|PRAGMA|BEGIN|COMMIT)/)) {
queries[i+1] = queries[i]+ ';\n' + queries[i+1];
return processQuery(db, i+1, queries, dbname);
console.log('------------>', queries[i]);
db.transaction( function (query){
query.executeSql(queries[i]+';', [], function(tx, result) {
processQuery(db, i +1, queries,dbname);
}, function(err) {
console.log("Query error in ", queries[i], err.message);
processQuery(db, i +1, queries, dbname);
} else {
console.log("Done importing!");
i put all the sql code into a file with one command per line then used ajax to pull file and loop over each line executing the sql
tip: use the if not exists so you can call it every time to init your database