PHP - Blocking of uploaded adult images

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无人及你 2020-12-15 00:21

We have a setup a product management system where the head of the product development can upload pictures of products and those pictures will instantly show up on our websit

  • 2020-12-15 00:51

    You're about to go down the "skintone detection" path of preventing porn. This is a mistake since any solution, even if possible, will be hideously expensive to get right.

    And wouldn't work on porn images of the character from "Avatar", for example :-)

    The two approaches you could take (I prefer the first).

    1. Don't allow immediate publishing of those images until they've been cleared by a trusted party.
    2. Allow your users to mark them as offensive and check out the ones that get votes.

    The reason I prefer the first is because the second still allows the images to be seen by the general public and this will almost certainly damage the company rep.

    You should take that rep seriously. I am reminded of a system we set up many years ago to measure water skiing jump lengths.

    There were three stations on either side of the river where the people tasked to measure would point their sights at where they thought the skier landed (hexangulation, I guess).

    These six locations were basically averaged (after removing outliers) to get the actual position (hence length) and this was all calculated by the computer and sent back to a base station.

    However, the TV stations which were transmitting the event had a person read the length off the screen and then manually type them into their own computers. When told that we could automate the process, they made it clear that they would not allow unchecked data to be sent to their viewers (in case we inserted profanity, I guess).

    While I thought this a little paranoid, I could understand it.

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  • 2020-12-15 00:52

    It is really easy to add moderation, as has been suggested, but I imagine that there is some hesitation in terms of limiting productivity and frustrating developers who have to wait on a second set of eyes. Even if all participants understand and don't take it personally, it can still be annoying to:

    a) be the person who has to wait a day or two for content to go live because their moderator is out sick and the back-up moderator is in a meeting.


    b) be the person who gets interrupted every hour or so from a project to click "approve".

    Sometimes even technology calls for some of the suggested bureaucracy and needs to accept the headaches it comes with, and I think there are definitely smart ways of keeping the annoyances like the ones I mentioned to a minimum.

    Having said all of that, bear in mind that this manager's actions probably reflect his termination. Or at the very least how it took it. Perhaps another non-technical administrative solution would be to remove system access privileges as soon as you know someone is in a compromised position.

    Whether the person turned in their two-week notice or had just gotten the sack that morning, they should either have moderated-access or no access at all to anything that goes public or is mission critical.

    Most developers work really hard to gain the trust of superiors allowing them to make things public or write data directly to critical systems. But that trust should come with a very immediate exit-policy clause.

    Regarding LogiPik:

    I've never used it, but I just tried their demo. I uploaded the following (randomly looking for "close up" on google:

    And it got back the following:

    Evaluated as: porn Completed in 25 sec.

    For me, that is too slow (for one picture) to get a false-positive, especially for $50 bucks American.

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  • 2020-12-15 00:54

    Implement image premoderation. If there's a single person uploading those (like you imply), shouldn't be too hard for someone else to take a brief look and click "Approve" on each.

    And it's way cheaper, and more reliable, than using any library. You cannot formalize "adult".

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  • 2020-12-15 00:54

    Using current technology there is no completely reliable solution to this, so don't get sucked in by marketing that implies there is.

    See this previous question on StackOverflow.

    You could combine a skin detection algorithm with pre-moderation to bring suspected problem images to the attention of the human moderator though. Just don't think you can skip the step of getting a person to look at the images.

    By the way, your company's security processes sound a bit weak. How did another employee upload images if only the head of product development should be able to do this? Make sure you store your passwords hashed and minimize access to production servers.

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  • 2020-12-15 00:57

    I don't think you can guarantee that any software will 100% accurately identify images like that.

    You need to have a human moderating the uploads. Don't make them instantly visible on your website.

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  • 2020-12-15 00:58

    I found my self needing a system to detect adult content recently. Luckily nowadays this can be done quite accurately.

    I ended up building this project, which is an API that can easily be deployed to Herkou (or anything where you can run a docker container) and allows you to score images for adult content.

    It's based of open_nsfw an open source neural network model that has been trained to detect not suitable for work images. The project above is basically a python API on top of open_nsfw, ready to be deployed.

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