Generating 2D (PDF417 or QR) barcodes using Excel VBA

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北恋 2020-12-14 22:53

I would like to generate a 2d barcode (PDF417 or QR codes) in an Excel cell using macros. Just wondering is there any free alternatives to paid libraries to do this?

  • 2020-12-14 23:33

    The VBA module barcode-vba-macro-only (mentioned by Sébastien Ferry in the comments) is a pure VBA 1D/2D code generator created by Jiri Gabriel under MIT License in 2013.

    The code isn't completely simple to understand, but many comments have been translated from Czech to English in the version linked above.

    To use it in a worksheet, just copy or import barcody.bas into your VBA in a module. In a worksheet, put in the function like this:


    The usage is as follows:

    1. Leave the CELL("SHEET) and CELL("ADDRESS") as they are since it's just giving reference to the worksheet and cell address you have the formula
      • A2 is the cell that you have your string to be encoded. In my case it's cell A2 You can pass "Text" with quotes to do the same. Having the cell makes it more dynamic
      • 51 is the option for QR Code. Other options are 1=EAN8/13/UPCA/UPCE, 2=two of five interleaved, 3=Code39, 50=Data Matrix, 51=QRCode
        • 1 is for graphical mode. The barcode is drawn on a Shape object. 0 for font mode. I assume you need to have the font type installed. Not as useful.
        • 0 is the parameter for the particular barcode type. For QR_Code, 0=Low Error Correction, 1=Medium Error Correction, 2=Quartile error correction, 3=high error correction.
        • 2 only applies to 1D codes. It's the buffer zones. I'm not certain what it does exactly but probably something to do with the 1D bar spaces?

    I added wrapper functions to make it a pure VBA function call rather than using it as a formula in a worksheet:

    Public Sub RenderQRCode(workSheetName As String, cellLocation As String, textValue As String)
       Dim s_param As String
       Dim s_encoded As String
       Dim xSheet As Worksheet
       Dim QRShapeName As String
       Dim QRLabelName As String
       s_param = "mode=Q"
       s_encoded = qr_gen(textValue, s_param)
       Call DrawQRCode(s_encoded, workSheetName, cellLocation)
       Set xSheet = Worksheets(workSheetName)
       QRShapeName = "BC" & "$" & Left(cellLocation, 1) _
           & "$" & Right(cellLocation, Len(cellLocation) - 1) & "#GR"
       QRLabelName = QRShapeName & "_Label"
       With xSheet.Shapes(QRShapeName)
           .Width = 30
           .Height = 30
       End With
       On Error Resume Next
       If Not (xSheet.Shapes(QRLabelName) Is Nothing) Then
       End If
       xSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
           xSheet.Shapes(QRShapeName).Left+35, _
           xSheet.Shapes(QRShapeName).Top, _                          
           Len(textValue) * 6, 30) _
           .Name = QRLabelName
       With xSheet.Shapes(QRLabelName)
           .Line.Visible = msoFalse
           .TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial"
           .TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
           .TextFrame.Characters.Text = textValue
           .TextFrame2.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
       End With
    End Sub
    Sub DrawQRCode(xBC As String, workSheetName As String, rangeName As String, Optional xNam As String)
     Dim xShape As Shape, xBkgr As Shape
     Dim xSheet As Worksheet
     Dim xRange As Range, xCell As Range
     Dim xAddr As String
     Dim xPosOldX As Double, xPosOldY As Double
     Dim xSizeOldW As Double, xSizeOldH As Double
     Dim x, y, m, dm, a As Double
     Dim b%, n%, w%, p$, s$, h%, g%
    Set xSheet = Worksheets(workSheetName)
    Set xRange = Worksheets(workSheetName).Range(rangeName)
    xAddr = xRange.Address
    xPosOldX = xRange.Left
    xPosOldY = xRange.Top
     xSizeOldW = 0
     xSizeOldH = 0
     s = "BC" & xAddr & "#GR"
     x = 0#
     y = 0#
     m = 2.5
     dm = m * 2#
     a = 0#
     p = Trim(xBC)
     b = Len(p)
     For n = 1 To b
       w = AscL(Mid(p, n, 1)) Mod 256
       If (w >= 97 And w <= 112) Then
         a = a + dm
       ElseIf w = 10 Or n = b Then
         If x < a Then x = a
         y = y + dm
         a = 0#
       End If
     Next n
     If x <= 0# Then Exit Sub
     On Error Resume Next
     Set xShape = xSheet.Shapes(s)
     On Error GoTo 0
     If Not (xShape Is Nothing) Then
       xPosOldX = xShape.Left
       xPosOldY = xShape.Top
       xSizeOldW = xShape.Width
       xSizeOldH = xShape.Height
     End If
     On Error Resume Next
     xSheet.Shapes("BC" & xAddr & "#BK").Delete
     On Error GoTo 0
     Set xBkgr = xSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 0, 0, x, y)
     xBkgr.Line.Visible = msoFalse
     xBkgr.Line.Weight = 0#
     xBkgr.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
     xBkgr.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
     xBkgr.Name = "BC" & xAddr & "#BK"
     Set xShape = Nothing
     x = 0#
     y = 0#
     g = 0
     For n = 1 To b
       w = AscL(Mid(p, n, 1)) Mod 256
       If w = 10 Then
         y = y + dm
         x = 0#
       ElseIf (w >= 97 And w <= 112) Then
         w = w - 97
         With xSheet.Shapes
         Select Case w
           Case 1: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 2: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x + m, y, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 3: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y, dm, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 4: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y + m, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 5: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y, m, dm): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 6: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x + m, y, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
                   Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y + m, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 7: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y, dm, m): GoSub fmtxshape
                   Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y + m, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 8: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x + m, y + m, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 9: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
                   Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x + m, y + m, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 10: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x + m, y, m, dm): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 11: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y, dm, m): GoSub fmtxshape
                    Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x + m, y + m, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 12: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y + m, dm, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 13: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
                    Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y + m, dm, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 14: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x + m, y, m, m): GoSub fmtxshape
                    Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y + m, dm, m): GoSub fmtxshape
           Case 15: Set xShape = .AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y, dm, dm): GoSub fmtxshape
         End Select
         End With
         x = x + dm
       End If
     Next n
     On Error Resume Next
     Set xShape = xSheet.Shapes(s)
     On Error GoTo 0
     If Not (xShape Is Nothing) Then
       xShape.Left = xPosOldX
       xShape.Top = xPosOldY
       If xSizeOldW > 0 Then
         xShape.Width = xSizeOldW
         xShape.Height = xSizeOldH
       End If
       If Not (xBkgr Is Nothing) Then xBkgr.Delete
     End If
     Exit Sub
      xShape.Line.Visible = msoFalse
      xShape.Line.Weight = 0#
      xShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
      g = g + 1
      xShape.Name = "BC" & xAddr & "#BR" & g
      If g = 1 Then
        xSheet.Shapes.Range(Array(xBkgr.Name, xShape.Name)).Group.Name = s
        xSheet.Shapes.Range(Array(s, xShape.Name)).Group.Name = s
      End If
    End Sub

    With this wrapper, you can now simply call to render QRCode by calling this in VBA:

    Call RenderQRCode("Sheet1", "A13", "QR Value")

    Just input the worksheet name, cell location, and the QR_value. The QR shape will get drawn at the location you specified.

    You can play around with this section of the code to change the size of the QR

    With xSheet.Shapes(QRShapeName)
           .Width = 30  'change your size
           .Height = 30  'change your size
       End With
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  • 2020-12-14 23:53

    I know this is quite an old and well-established post (though the very good existing answer has not been accepted yet), but I would like to share an alternative that I prepared for a similar post in StackOverflow in Portuguese using the free online API from QR Code Generator.

    The code is the following:

    Sub GenQRCode(ByVal data As String, ByVal color As String, ByVal bgcolor As String, ByVal size As Integer)
    On Error Resume Next
        For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Pictures.Count
            If ActiveSheet.Pictures(i).Name = "QRCode" Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
        sURL = "" + "size=" + Trim(Str(size)) + "x" + Trim(Str(size)) + "&color=" + color + "&bgcolor=" + bgcolor + "&data=" + data
        Debug.Print sURL
        Set pic = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(sURL + sParameters)
        Set cell = Range("D9")
        With pic
            .Name = "QRCode"
            .Left = cell.Left
            .Top = cell.Top
        End With
    End Sub

    It gets the job done by simply (re)creating an image from the URL built from the parameters in the cells. Naturally, the user must be connected to the Internet.

    For example (the worksheet, with contents in Brazilian Portuguese, can be downloaded from 4Shared):

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