I am trying to filter all the tables in a SQLite database based on if they are system tables or user generated ones.
So far I\'ve found out that they are the ones wi
There is only one system table that is of any consequence.
select * from sqlite_master
but you may get some useful information from sqlite_sequence
I think it can be filtered by name (as you already done)
I've used script
name, type
type in ('table', 'view')
name not like 'sqlite?_%' escape '?'
sqlite_autoindex_TABLE_N - which will have information UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints on ordinary table.
sqlite_statN - which will have where N is an integer. Such tables store database statistics gathered by the ANALYZE command and used by the query planner to help determine the best algorithm to use for each query.
Source : https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html
sqlite_user - this table will be present ,if we set up authentication-required database.
Source : http://www.sqlite.org/src/doc/trunk/ext/userauth/user-auth.txt