Java Performance - ArrayLists versus Arrays for lots of fast reads

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-14 20:20

I have a program where I need to make 100,000 to 1,000,000 random-access reads to a List-like object in as little time as possible (as in milliseconds) for a cellular automa

  • 2020-12-14 20:24

    Now that you've mentioned that your arrays are actually arrays of primitive types, consider using the collection-of-primitive-type classes in the Trove library.

    @viking reports significant (ten-fold!) speedup using Trove in his application - see comments. The flip-side is that Trove collection types are not type compatible with Java's standard collection APIs. So Trove (or similar libraries) won't be the answer in all cases.

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  • 2020-12-14 20:26

    ArrayLists are slower than Arrays, but most people consider the difference to be minor. In your case could matter though, since you're dealing with hundreds of thousands of them.

    By the way, duplicate: Array or List in Java. Which is faster?

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  • 2020-12-14 20:26

    Java uses double indirection for its objects so they can be moved about in memory and have its references still be valid, this means every reference lookup is equivalent to two pointer lookups. These extra lookups cannot be optimised away completely.

    Perhaps even worse is your cache performance will be terrible. Accessing values in cache is goings to be many times faster than accessing values in main memory. (perhaps 10x) If you have an int[] you know the values will be consecutive in memory and thus load into cache readily. However, for Integer[] the Integers individual objects can appear randomly across your memory and are much more likely to be cache misses. Also Integer use 24 bytes which means they are much less likely to fit into your caches than 4 byte values.

    If you update an Integer, this often results in a new object created which is many orders of magnitude than updating an int value.

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  • 2020-12-14 20:34

    Try both, but measure.

    Most likely you could hack something together to make the inner loop use arrays without changing all that much code. My suspicion is that HotSpot will already inline the method calls and you will see no performance gain.

    Also, try Java 6 update 14 and use -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis

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  • 2020-12-14 20:34

    I would go with Kevin's advise.

    Stay with the lists first and measure your performance if your programm is to slow compare it to a version with an array. If that gives you a measurable performance boost go with the arrays, if not stay with the lists because they will make your life much much easier.

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  • 2020-12-14 20:37

    One possibility would be to re-implement ArrayList (it's not that hard), but expose the backing array via a lock/release call cycle. This gets you convenience for your writes, but exposes the array for a large series of read/write operations that you know in advance won't impact the array size. If the list is locked, add/delete is not allowed - just get/set.

    for example:

      SomeObj[] directArray = myArrayList.lockArray();
        // myArrayList.add(), delete() would throw an illegal state exception
        for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++){
          directArray[i] += 1;
      } finally {

    This approach continues to encapsulate the array growth/etc... behaviors of ArrayList.

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