Get month of a given date which is stored in a PHP time variable in \'Y-m-d\' format
is it really stored in PHP? Not in some database?
can do it in mysql query for example
$parts = explode('-',$your_date_variable_in_php);
$month = $parts[1];
Try date_parse_from_format():
$date = "2010-08-12";
$d = date_parse_from_format("Y-m-d", $date);
echo $d["month"];
$date = "2010-10-10";
echo date("m", strtotime($date))?>
echo date("F", strtotime("2010-08-13"));
You can use date() and strtotime():
$date = "2010-08-13";
echo date("m",strtotime($date))."\n";