This seems to be pretty straight forward. I need to send email from some ASP.NET applications. I need to do this consistently without strange errors and without CPU utilizat
I've always used Quiksoft's EasyMail .NET components with no issues at all.
Product home page:
They also have a free version of the component if you only need to send out e-mails:
I've used Quicksoft in the past and have no complaints. Another thing you can try is switching the SMTP configuration to use a pickup folder instead of sending using the network which should get around the "it doesn't send QUIT" issue.
I faced the same CPU utilization problem with the settings described. I ended up opening a ticket with Microsoft to determine the cause of the problem. The CPU utilization problem lies in the ServicePoint class. Internally in the ServicePoint class, there is a timer that runs every (MaxIdleTime/2) milliseconds. See the problem? By changing the MaxIdleTime value to 2, the CPU utilization will drop down to normal levels.
We have used hMailserver with great success. The configuration can take a while to get used to but it has been a great -- and free -- mail server product.
If you want to roll your own (which I did years ago when I was having a bear of a time with CDONTS), you can start with the code below and customize to your heart's content. It uses the TcpClient to create a TCP connection directly to the mailserver. Not that I'd recommend this when there are so many established and debugged solutions, but I found this very useful for debugging and determining where the problem was with the prefab MS mail components.
private void Send_Email()
#region Email Sending Function
string strMail = "";
// See RFC821 for more specs
// TcpClient is an abstraction of a TCP Socket connection
TcpClient myTCP = new TcpClient();
// Connect to the mail server's port 25
myTCP.Connect(mailserver, 25);
// Open a network stream which sends data to/from the TcpClient's socket
System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream ns = myTCP.GetStream();
// The data to send to the mail server, basically a raw SMTP mail message
strMail = "HELO\n";
strMail += "MAIL\n";
strMail += "RCPT TO:" + recipient + "\n";
strMail += "DATA\n";
strMail += "Subject: mySubject\n";
strMail += "To:" + recipient + "\n";
strMail += "From: \"From Real Name\" <>\n";
strMail += "\n";
strMail += " ---------------------------------------\n";
strMail += "Name: " + txtName.Text + "\n";
strMail += "Address1: " + txtAddress1.Text + "\n";
strMail += "Address2: " + txtAddress2.Text + "\n";
strMail += "City: " + txtCity.Text + "\n";
strMail += "State: " + txtState.Text + "\n";
strMail += "Zip: " + txtZip.Text + "\n";
strMail += "Email: " + txtEmail.Text + "\n";
strMail += "Dealer: " + txtDealer.Text + "\n";
strMail += " ---------------------------------------\n";
strMail += "\n.\n";
// Defines encoding of string into Bytes (network stream needs
// an array of bytes to send -- can't send strings)
ASCIIEncoding AE = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] ByteArray = AE.GetBytes(strMail);
// send the byte-encoded string to the networkstream -> mail server:25
ns.Write(ByteArray, 0, ByteArray.Length);
//ns.Read(ByteArray, 0, ByteArray.Length);
//lblStatus.Text = ByteArray.ToString();
// close the network stream
// close the TCP connection
catch(Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Couldn't send email: <p>" + ex.Message);
I send most of my mail using a Sproc. I can even attach a file.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sendMail_With_CDOMessage] @to VARCHAR(64), @CC VARCHAR(1024)='', @BCC VARCHAR(1024)='', @subject VARCHAR(500)='', @body VARCHAR(8000)='' , @from VARCHAR(64), @filename VARCHAR(255)='', @priority INT = 0 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @handle INT, @return INT, @s VARCHAR(64), @sc VARCHAR(1024), @up CHAR(27), @server VARCHAR(255) SET @s = '"' SELECT @s = 'Configuration.Fields(' + @s, @up = 'Configuration.Fields.Update', @server = '' EXEC @return = sp_OACreate 'CDO.Message', @handle OUT SET @sc = @s + 'sendusing").Value' EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, @sc, '2' SET @sc = @s + 'smtpserver").Value' EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, @sc, @server EXEC @return = sp_OAMethod @handle, @up, NULL EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'To', @to EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'CC', @CC EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'BCC', @BCC EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'From', @from EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'Subject', @subject EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'HTMLBody', @body EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'Priority', 'cdoHigh' IF @filename IS NOT NULL EXEC @return = sp_OAMethod @handle, 'AddAttachment', NULL, @filename EXEC @return = sp_OAMethod @handle, 'Send', NULL IF @return 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Mail failed.' IF @from IS NULL PRINT 'From address undefined.' ELSE PRINT 'Check that server is valid.' END ELSE PRINT 'Mail sent.' EXEC @return = sp_OADestroy @handle END
While I haven't had any specific problems with System.Net.Mail
so far, you can always use the older System.Web.Mail API which is a wrapper for CDOSYS.