I use nginX/1.6 and laravel when i posted data to server i get this error 413 Request Entity Too Large. i tried many solutions as bellow
1- set client_max_bo
I had the same issue but in docker. when I faced this issue, added client_max_body_size 120M;
to my Nginx server configuration,
nginx default configuration file path is /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
server {
client_max_body_size 120M;
it resizes max body size to 120 megabytes.
after that, I did add these three lines to my PHP docker file
RUN echo "max_file_uploads=100" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-max_file_uploads.ini
RUN echo "post_max_size=120M" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-post_max_size.ini
RUN echo "upload_max_filesize=120M" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-upload_max_filesize.ini
since docker PHP image automatically includes all setting files from the path (/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/
) into php.ini file, PHP configuration file will change by these three lines and the issue must disappear
Add ‘client_max_body_size xxM’ inside the http section in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, where xx is the size (in megabytes) that you want to allow.
http {
client_max_body_size 20M;
I am using Docker and PHP 7.4 and I faced this issue too.
Just added a line to the file *.conf inside docker/php74/ directory.
server {
client_max_body_size 100M;