  • in android textview

前端 未结 7 513
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-14 16:15

I have String with ul and li in it. And I am trying to show them in HTML formatting in textview.
But tex

  • 2020-12-14 16:38

    Tags Supported in String Resources

    Tags in static string resources are parsed by android.content.res.StringBlock, which is a hidden class. I've looked through the class and determined which tags are supported:

    <a> (supports attributes "href")
    <font> (supports attributes "height", "size", "fgcolor" and "bicolor", as integers)

    Tags Supported by Html.fromHtml()

    For some reason, Html.fromHtml() handles a different set of of tags than static text supports. Here's a list of the tags (gleaned from's source code):

    <a> (supports attribute "href")
    <font> (supports attributes "color" and "face")
    <img> (supports attribute "src". Note: you have to include an ImageGetter to handle retrieving a Drawable for this tag)

    see this link for more details

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  • 2020-12-14 16:39

    see HTML Tags Supported By TextView both ul and li tags are not Supported by android.text.Html class.

    SOLUTION : you can display these tags using WebView or by TagHandler

    for more help see this post:

    Html List tag not working in android textview. what can i do?

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  • 2020-12-14 16:45

    A really easy way to make things work for API level M (23) and lower From your HTML string you can use the following:

    private fun String.formattedHtml(): String {
        // Work around for API Versions lower than N, Html.fromHtml does not render list items correctly
        return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
            this.replace("<ul>", "")
                .replace("</ul>", "")
                .replace("<li>", "<p>• ")
                .replace("</li>", "</p>")
        } else {

    Then, you can use:

    Html.fromHtml("<ul><li> test </li></ul>".formattedHtml())

    No need for TagHandler for API N and up, as mentioned in, android.text.Html supports li and ul tags.

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  • 2020-12-14 16:51

    Im my case my data is coming down from an API call. I still needed the output to match the format of my app so I wrap the HTML string in formatting tags to display in my WebView:

    public static String formatHtmlString(String stringIn) {
        String format = "<html>"
                + "  <head>"
                + "    <style type='text/css'>"
                + "      body { "
                + "           font-family: \"HelveticaNeue-Light\", \"Helvetica Neue Light\"; "
                + "           font-size:14px;" + "           color:#000;"
                + "      }" + "      b { " + "           font-size:14px;"
                + "       }" + "      i { " + "           font-size:10px;"
                + "           color:#333333;" + "           opacity:0.75;"
                + "       }" + "    </style>" + "  </head>" + "  <body>"
                + stringIn + "</body>" + "</html>";
        return format;
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-14 16:51

    In my case, I'm getting a list of String (from backend as a JSON Response), then render the HTML manually using this approach for TextView only:

    In Kotlin

    // ViewUtils.kt
    private fun List<String>.joinToBulletList(): String =
            joinToString(prefix = "<ul>", postfix = "</ul>", separator = "\n") {
                "<li> $it</li>"
    fun TextView.renderToHtmlWithBulletList(contents: List<String>) {
        val content = contents.joinToBulletList()
        val html: Spannable = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
            Html.fromHtml(content, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT, null, null) as Spannable
        } else {
            Html.fromHtml(content, null, null) as Spannable
        text = html
    // AnyActivity.kt
    val contents = listOf("desc 1", "desc 2", "desc 3")

    In Java

    List<String> contents = new String["desc 1", "desc 2", "desc 3"];
    ViewUtils.renderToHtmlWithBulletList(textViewFromXml, contents)

    Notice the @file:JvmName("ViewUtils") it is useful to change the file name so Java code can call it instead of See here for more detail

    P.S: Please feel free to edit this

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  • 2020-12-14 16:57

    You can use Html.TagHandler.

    In your case it will be like this:

    public class UlTagHandler implements Html.TagHandler{
        public void handleTag(boolean opening, String tag, Editable output,
                              XMLReader xmlReader) {
                if(tag.equals("ul") && !opening) output.append("\n");
                if(tag.equals("li") && opening) output.append("\n\t•");


    textView.setText(Html.fromHtml(myHtmlText, null, new UlTagHandler()));
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