Getting dyld_fatal_error after updating to Xcode 6 beta 4 using swift

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-14 14:30

I just recently downloaded Xcode 6 beta 4, and my swift project compiles with no errors but before it gets to my code I get a dyld_fatal_error just above start in the call s

  • 2020-12-14 14:59

    Cleaning, restarting, deleting etc didn't work for me.

    I have a project containing another project. When I ran the project on iOS 7 and the contained project was accessed in code, the app stopped at the line below:

    enter image description here

    After many days, I saw that the deployment target for the container project was 7.0 (as can be seen below).

    enter image description here

    The contained project on the other hand, had a deployment target of 8.1 (as can be seen below). enter image description here

    Changing the deployment target of the contained project to 7.0 solved my problem!

    The project was working fine on iOS 8 devices.

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  • 2020-12-14 15:00

    I also faced the same issue and tried all the solution given above without any luck.

    then what I have done to resolve that I really don’t have much I idea about. So there is Certificated called “apple worldwide developer relations certificate authority” in System group in keychain Access and due to some profile and certificate issue I randomly mark this certificate “Always trusted” from “Use System Defaults”. So this is causing this “dyld_fatal_error” crash to me. when I revert it back to “Use System Defaults” crash got resolved. So guys if you are tried all the possible option to resolve this crash and didn’t succeed yet, try this also. It helped me, may help you as well.

    Found this about this certificate.

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  • 2020-12-14 15:02

    Xcode 8.

    Clean and build didn't work. I deleted the cache, deleted Derived data. After that, my pods configuration was broken, so i needed to install pods again. Pods Target configuration was set to a very old Valid architectures. setting to armv7 and armv7s, was ok to compile and no problems

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  • 2020-12-14 15:06

    Most extremely weird problems like this can be solved with a Clean & Build (or perhaps relaunch Xcode). You might also consider deleting the relevant folders from ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData.

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  • 2020-12-14 15:07

    Adding the non-system Framework to "Embedded Binaries" inside the general tab of the main project worked for me.

    As stated by bitwit, this will also add your framework to "Linked Frameworks and Libraries", so watch out for those duplicates.

    Tested with Xcode 7.3.

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  • 2020-12-14 15:09

    I had this issue recently and the problem for me was that I had added a library from the same project which wasn't listed in 'Embedded Binaries' from the 'General' section.

    NOTE: If you add it in Embedded Binaries it will also add to the Linked Libraries section, possibly adding the same one twice.

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