import pandas as pd
dfs = pd.HDFStore(\'xxxxx.h5\')
throws this error:
\"ImportError: HDFStore requires PyTables, \"No module named t
Simply updating pytables
pip install --upgrade tables
worked for me.
You have to install pytables:
conda install pytables
On Ubuntu, I solved this problem using this command:
sudo apt-get install python3-tables
Note that I am using Python 3
I also had the same error when using HDFStore. And I tried all the steps specified above and spent many hours to find a solution, but non of them were successful.
Then I downloaded and installed MiniConda. And then I used the below command to install pytables.
conda install -c conda-forge pytables
Please refer the below screenshot.
You can use pip on any os :
python -m pip install tables
You can check the official documentation on more ways to install it
As TomAugspurger mentioned... It seems there is a bug with the latest version of pytables. You can install the current development version by executing the following command:
sudo pip install git+
If it solved the problem, the question should be closed :)