What are the kinds of covariance in C#? (Or, covariance: by example)

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后悔当初 2020-12-14 11:38

Covariance is (roughly) the ability to mirror inheritance of \"simple\" types in complex types that use them.
E.g. We can always treat an instance of Cat<

  • 2020-12-14 12:15

    Java employs the concept of use-site variance for generic types: the needed variance is specified at each use site. This is why Java programmers are required to be familiar with the so-called PECS rule. Yes, it is unwieldy and has already received plenty of criticism.

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  • 2020-12-14 12:32

    This is best explained in terms of more generic, structural types. Consider:

    1. Tuple types: (T1, T2), a pair of types T1 and T2 (or more generally, n-tuples);
    2. Function types: T1 -> T2, a function with argument type T1 and result T2;
    3. Mutable types: Mut(T), a mutable variable holding a T.

    Tuples are covariant in both their component types, i.e. (T1, T2) < (U1, U2) iff T1 < U1 and T2 < U2 (where '<' means is-subtype-of).

    Functions are covariant in their result and contravariant in their argument, i.e. (T1 -> T2) < (U1 -> U2) iff U1 < T1 and T2 < U2.

    Mutable types are invariant, i.e. Mut(T) < Mut(U) only iff T = U.

    All these rules are the most general correct subtyping rules.

    Now, an object or interface type like you know it from mainstream languages can be interpreted as a fancy form of tuple containing its methods as functions, among other things. For example, the interface

    interface C<T, U, V> {
      T f(U, U)
      Int g(U)
      Mut(V) x

    essentially represents the type

    C(T, U, V) = ((U, U) -> T, U -> Int, Mut(V))

    where f, g, and x correspond to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd component of the tuple, respectively.

    It follows from the rules above that C(T, U, V) < C(T', U', V') iff T < T' and U' < U and V = V'. That means that the generic type C is covariant in T, contravariant in U and invariant in V.

    Another example:

    interface D<T> {
      Int f(T)
      T g(Int)


    D(T) = (T -> Int, Int -> T)

    Here, D(T) < D(T') only if T < T' and T' < T. In general, that can only be the case if T = T', so D actually is invariant in T.

    There also is a fourth case, sometimes called "bivariance", which means both co- and contravariant at the same time. For example,

    interface E<T> { Int f(Int) }

    is bivariant in T, because it is not actually used.

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  • 2020-12-14 12:33

    Here's what I can think of:


    After reading the constructive comments and the ton of articles pointed (and written) by Eric Lippert, I improved the answer:

    • Updated the broken-ness of array covariance
    • Added "pure" delegate variance
    • Added more examples from the BCL
    • Added links to articles that explain the concepts in-depth.
    • Added a whole new section on higher-order function parameter covariance.

    Return type covariance:

    Available in Java (>= 5)[1] and C++[2], not supported in C# (Eric Lippert explains why not and what you can do about it):

    class B {
        B Clone();
    class D: B {
        D Clone();

    Interface covariance[3] - supported in C#

    The BCL defines the generic IEnumerable interface to be covariant:

    IEnumerable<out T> {...}

    Thus the following example is valid:

    class Animal {}
    class Cat : Animal {}
    IEnumerable<Cat> cats = ...
    IEnumerable<Animal> animals = cats;

    Note that an IEnumerable is by definition "read-only" - you can't add elements to it.
    Contrast that to the definition of IList<T> which can be modified e.g. using .Add():

    public interface IEnumerable<out T> : ...  //covariant - notice the 'out' keyword
    public interface IList<T> : ...            //invariant

    Delegate covariance by means of method groups [4] - supported in C#

    class Animal {}
    class Cat : Animal {}
    class Prog {
        public delegate Animal AnimalHandler();
        public static Animal GetAnimal(){...}
        public static Cat GetCat(){...}
        AnimalHandler animalHandler = GetAnimal;
        AnimalHandler catHandler = GetCat;        //covariance

    "Pure" delegate covariance[5 - pre-variance-release article] - supported in C#

    The BCL definition of a delegate that takes no parameters and returns something is covariant:

    public delegate TResult Func<out TResult>()

    This allows the following:

    Func<Cat> getCat = () => new Cat();
    Func<Animal> getAnimal = getCat; 

    Array covariance - supported in C#, in a broken way[6] [7]

    string[] strArray = new[] {"aa", "bb"};
    object[] objArray = strArray;    //covariance: so far, so good
    //objArray really is an "alias" for strArray (or a pointer, if you wish)
    //i can haz cat?
    object cat == new Cat();         //a real cat would object to being... objectified.
    //now assign it
    objArray[1] = cat                //crash, boom, bang
                                     //throws ArrayTypeMismatchException

    And finally - the surprising and somewhat mind-bending
    Delegate parameter covariance (yes, that's co-variance) - for higher-order functions.[8]

    The BCL definition of the delegate that takes one parameter and returns nothing is contravariant:

    public delegate void Action<in T>(T obj)

    Bear with me. Let's define a circus animal trainer - he can be told how to train an animal (by giving him an Action that works with that animal).

    delegate void Trainer<out T>(Action<T> trainingAction);

    We have the trainer definition, let's get a trainer and put him to work.

    Trainer<Cat> catTrainer = (catAction) => catAction(new Cat());
    Trainer<Animal> animalTrainer = catTrainer;  
    // covariant: Animal > Cat => Trainer<Animal> > Trainer<Cat> 
    //define a default training method
    Action<Animal> trainAnimal = (animal) => 
       Console.WriteLine("Training " + animal.GetType().Name + " to ignore you... done!"); 
    //work it!

    The output proves that this works:

    Training Cat to ignore you... done!

    In order to understand this, a joke is in order.

    A linguistics professor was lecturing to his class one day.
    "In English," he said, "a double negative forms a positive.
    However," he pointed out, "there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative."

    A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right."

    What's that got to do with covariance?!

    Let me attempt a back-of-the-napkin demonstration.

    An Action<T> is contravariant, i.e. it "flips" the types' relationship:

    A < B => Action<A> > Action<B> (1)

    Change A and B above with Action<A> and Action<B> and get:

    Action<A> < Action<B> => Action<Action<A>> > Action<Action<B>>  
    or (flip both relationships)
    Action<A> > Action<B> => Action<Action<A>> < Action<Action<B>> (2)     

    Put (1) and (2) together and we have:

     A < B => Action<A> > Action<B> => Action<Action<A>> < Action<Action<B>> (4)

    But our Trainer<T> delegate is effectively an Action<Action<T>>:

    Trainer<T> == Action<Action<T>> (3)

    So we can rewrite (4) as:

    A < B => ... => Trainer<A> < Trainer<B> 

    - which, by definition, means Trainer is covariant.

    In short, applying Action twice we get contra-contra-variance, i.e. the relationship between types is flipped twice (see (4) ), so we're back to covariance.

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