I would like to combine Voronoi polygons with map, in order to use this later for spatial analysis. I have number of points and shapefile that i want to combine and then sav
Slightly modified function, takes an additional spatial polygons argument and extends to that box:
voronoipolygons <- function(x,poly) {
if (.hasSlot(x, 'coords')) {
crds <- x@coords
} else crds <- x
bb = bbox(poly)
rw = as.numeric(t(bb))
z <- deldir(crds[,1], crds[,2],rw=rw)
w <- tile.list(z)
polys <- vector(mode='list', length=length(w))
for (i in seq(along=polys)) {
pcrds <- cbind(w[[i]]$x, w[[i]]$y)
pcrds <- rbind(pcrds, pcrds[1,])
polys[[i]] <- Polygons(list(Polygon(pcrds)), ID=as.character(i))
SP <- SpatialPolygons(polys)
voronoi <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(SP, data=data.frame(x=crds[,1],
y=crds[,2], row.names=sapply(slot(SP, 'polygons'),
function(x) slot(x, 'ID'))))
Then do:
gg = gIntersection(pznall,pzn.coords,byid=TRUE)
Note that gg
is a SpatialPolygons object, and you might get a warning about mismatched proj4 strings. You may need to assign the proj4 string to one or other of the objects.