One of the main ideas behind using bitwise operators in languages like C++/java/C# is that they\'re extremely fast. But I\'ve heard that in javascript they\'re very slow (ad
There is an NES emulator written in JavaScript - it seems to make plenty of use of bitwise operations.
This is quite an old question, but no one seemed to answer the updated version.
The performance hit that you get with JavaScript that doesn't exist in C/C++ is the cast from floating point representation (how JavaScript strores all of its numbers) to a 32 bit integer to perform the bit manipulation and back.
Nobody uses hex anymore?
function hextoRgb(c) {
c = '0x' + c.substring(1);
return [(c >> 16) & 255, (c >> 8) & 255, c & 255];
var c1 = hextoRgb('#191970');
alert('rgb(' + c1.join(',') + ')');
I use bitwise shift of zero in JS to perform quick integer truncation:
var i=3.141532;
var iTrunc=i>>0; //3
I found some good info @
Apparently they perform very well these days. Why would you use them? Same reason you would anywhere else.
When speed is paramount, you can use them for bit-masking:
Also, if you need to support Netscape 4, you'd use them to deal with Document.captureEvents(). Not that any respectable company would have you write JS for NS4...