When I list the presets, does the order matter?
In other words, are the following .babelrc
files equivalent?
From babeljs.io/docs/plugins: (as of 9/30/2016)
Ordering matters for each visitor in the plugin. This means if two transforms both visit “Program”, the transforms will run in either plugin or preset order.
"plugins": [
"transform-decorators-legacy", // will run first
"transform-class-properties" // will run second
Yes this is confusing, see babel/notes #2.
I believe the reason why (for backwards compatability) is that most users had listed “es2015” first and “stage-0” second. And stage-0 would run before es2015.
"presets": [
"es2015", // will run third
"react", // will run second
"stage-2" // will run first