I\'m looking for an easy way to get width and height dimensions for image files in Ruby without having to use ImageMagick or ImageScience (running Snow Leapard).
There's also a new (July 2011) library that wasn't around at the time the question was originally asked: the Dimensions rubygem (which seems to be authored by the same Sam Stephenson responsible for the byte-manipulation techniques also suggested here.)
Below code sample from project's README
require 'dimensions'
Dimensions.dimensions("upload_bird.jpg") # => [300, 225]
Dimensions.width("upload_bird.jpg") # => 300
Dimensions.height("upload_bird.jpg") # => 225
As of June 2012, FastImage which "finds the size or type of an image given its uri by fetching as little as needed" is a good option. It works with local images and those on remote servers.
An IRB example from the readme:
require 'fastimage'
=> [266, 56] # width, height
Standard array assignment in a script:
require 'fastimage'
size_array = FastImage.size("http://stephensykes.com/images/ss.com_x.gif")
puts "Width: #{size_array[0]}"
puts "Height: #{size_array[1]}"
Or, using multiple assignment in a script:
require 'fastimage'
width, height = FastImage.size("http://stephensykes.com/images/ss.com_x.gif")
puts "Width: #{width}"
puts "Height: #{height}"