Fatal error: 'break' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in

前端 未结 3 1772
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-14 06:37

I\'ve setup a wordpress blog (I imported the db) and it\'s throwing this error

Fatal error: \'break\' not in the \'loop\' or \'switc

  • 2020-12-14 07:05

    look at the break;

    replace with

    return false;

    in your code and it will work.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-14 07:15

    Removing break fixed it

    function adodb_tz_offset($gmt,$isphp5)
       $zhrs = abs($gmt)/3600;
        $hrs = floor($zhrs);
    if ($isphp5) 
        return sprintf('%s%02d%02d',($gmt<=0)?'+':'-',floor($zhrs),($zhrs-$hrs)*60); 
        return sprintf('%s%02d%02d',($gmt<0)?'+':'-',floor($zhrs),($zhrs-$hrs)*60); 
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-14 07:17

    PHP 5.x.x, a break statement outside a for, foreach, while or switch statement DID NOT throw an error message and was syntactically okay.

    PHP 7.0 and higher, a break statement is no longer permitted outside a for, foreach, while or switch statement and gives a fatal error.

    Example code:

    if (2 == 1 + 1) {
        echo "Dummy Example of break inside if condition";
        break; // - Valid in php 5.*
               // - Gives a Fatal error in PHP 7.*.*:
               // "Fatal error: 'break' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in ... "
    0 讨论(0)