I\'m trying to make an Android 4.0 emulator. I\'ve tried this process on a fairly fast computer in both Linux and Windows(Phenom II X6 w/ 8G of RAM) and every time I get \"u
It's solved for me When I change VM heap from 16 to 32
My solution was that you had to let the emulator boot up beforehand first.
To put it simply: the android emulator died from exhaustion when I tried to launch the app before the emulator had had time to boot up properly.
Have you got "load from snapshot" on? if so you could try turning that off.
I also read here https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/23842/unfortunately-launcher-has-stopped-error-after-4-0-4-ota-upgrade were someone suggested clearing the launchers data in app settings.
I had the same issue and I had to do factory reset on my phone twice to get rid of this. But I then realized that the issue always happened when I was testing one particular app and thus the prob was narrowed down. Also I saw the error file and it showed OOM crash lines.
I then checked my last changes within that application and I found out to my surprise that the custom app logo which I was using replacing ic_launcher was huge in size due to which everytime I ran that application System launcher tried opening it and ended up with OOM.
I know, I know it sounds weird but trust me this was the issue. I reduced the size and tested again and things were working fine.
Note - I even tried testing on my friend's phone and crashed his launcher too. ;)
chage confing file in --> .android->avd->youavdfoldername->config
open file and change
None of the answers listed here helped me. I eventually fixed the problem by going to the advanced settings for my Virtual Device in Android Virtual Device Manager. My SD card was set to 9MB and it's recommended to set this to at least 10MB. When I set this to a higher value it fixed the problem.