I installed IE11 on server 2008r2. I was trying to debug using IE11 and I am having the following error. The error I am having in the Dom Explorer tab is:
Install the latest cumulative IE update :
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=45134 (32 bit) http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=45154 (64 bit)
I found the cause for this problem. I upgraded Internet explorer directly from IE8 to IE11. So I got the above said error during debugging.
Then I downgraded Internet explorer from IE11 to previous one(IE8). Then upgraded IE8 to IE10. Again upgraded IE10 to IE11. Now the debugger for IE11 is working fine.
Just a small update for Season714's answer if you're using Windows 7:
M$ did some magic things cause Windows 7 Updates take forever
, so before you install those IE updates, you have to disable your network adapter first.
By doing that, that update installation will start in few seconds and the error will be fixed. But if you don't, Windows Update will run first and it would take forever to complete.
I had this problem in my Windows 7 freshly installed virtual machine.
Apparently all of the updates were not installed immediately. I had to install Windows updates several times and restart also serveral times until all of the updates were installed and the issue went away.
First update upgraded from IE8 to IE11. And after that I think it was 2 more updates to have it fixed.
write this in your code into tag like this:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
if someone have the same problem